Dialling code for Czech Republic
The dialling code for Czech Republic is +420.
When calling Czech Republic from the UK you must dial 00420 followed by the Czech Republic number in full.
When using our service to make cheap calls to Czech Republic, you need to:
- Dial the access number
- When you hear the voice prompt, dial the Czech Republic number starting with 00420
- When you have finished inputting the number, wait to be connected.
That’s it….easy!
Best time to call Czech Republic from UK
The time in Czech Republic is 2 hours ahead the time in the UK (GMT +2). On that basis the best time to call Czech Republic is 7am until 7pm UK time. The whole of Czech Republic is covered by a single time zone so you don’t need to worry about which part of Czech Republic you are calling.
Czech Republic Area Codes
City | Czech Dialing Codes from UK |
Brno | 00420 54 |
Cheb | 00420 166 |
Liberec | 00420 48 |
Ostrava | 00420 69 |
Plzen | 00420 377 |
Prague | 00420 |
Tabor | 00420 712 |